Feb 1, 2009

Photos at 3 Months

Hello Everybody! I apologize for my lack of entries the past month but as you might expect, I have been very busy. Mama and Papa have finally taken me on some of my first outings into the real world (rather than staying at home all the time). I guess they were worried I might catch a cold or something but fortunately, fingers crossed, I have alluded any illnesses thus far. Our field trips have been really fun, with trips to the mall on cold days and some hiking in the mountains on warmer days. Today, as seen in these photos, I am wearing real small person cloths for the first time in my life! I like the convenience of onesies, however, they don't make much of a fashion statement if you know what I mean. Thanks to papas co-workers for the cloths I am wearing in these photos, I love them! I hope everyone is doing well and I am looking forward to meeting everyone as soon as mama and papa take me on my first airplane trips.