Hello everyone,
My apologies for getting these words and photos out to all of you so late but I have been rather busy these past few weeks. If just breathing air for the first time weren't enough, I have had to learn to drink milk, use my eyes, cry whenever I need something (like more milk), bare the discomfort of diapers and clothing that are way too big for me, deal with unpleasant cold wet diapers until mom or dad come to my rescue (never soon enough I might add), listen to my dad who can't seem to stop talking to me for even a brief moment, and squirm in mommy's arms. It's been stressful but I am finally adapting and can manage up to 5-6 hours of sleep some nights (unless I am feeling mischievous and decide to wake up screaming every two hours :)). As difficult as it may have been those first few weeks it has all been worth it, I mean, even mom's milk alone made the trip into this world well worth the effort. Yummy! So, without further ado, here are my first photos for your viewing pleasures.
Hana Chan