Dec 18, 2010

Grandpa, Hana and Ethan

California Dreamin

Santa Monica, California Photos

Images of Hana and Ethan

Like Grandma, like Granddaughter

Grandma and Hana appear to be using the same gestures and expressions in each of the photos taken at the L.A. Zoo.

Dec 16, 2010

Hana's Animals!

Dec 12, 2010

Apartment 1

Apartment 2

Apartment 3

Apartment 4

Apartment 5

Apartment 6

Apartment 7

Nov 20, 2009

Hana's First Birthday

It's hard to believe that one year has past since I was born. I guess time flies when you are having fun. At the time that I wrote this, mid November of 2009, I can say about 14 words. Most of the words I only say when I am prompted, such as bye-bye. Others I can say on my own, such as doggie, or one-one (the Japanese word for doggie) when I see a dog. I can also say cheezu, raisin, mama, toy, teddy, baby, chu chu, and ET without being prompted. Walking is my newest activity. I can pretty much walk wherever I want, but slowly and a bit awkwardly. I have to be careful because papa seems to be nervous whenever I fall (he's such a baby). One of my other fun activities is making mama and papa laugh. I already have a sense of humor all my own and have a couple games that I enjoy such as hide and seek, and holding out my toys to papa, only to pull them away at the last second before he grabs them (psych!!!). I get such a laugh from that one! Thanks for reading, gotta go eat dinner. Hana

Nov 19, 2009

VIDEO - Hana Learning to Walk Nov-2009

Click on image below to begin playing.

May 18, 2009

Hana Eating Solids at 6.5 Months

Sitting Up at 6 Months

Cocoa Beach ~ 6 Months

Apr 6, 2009

This photo was taken just before my trip to Japan. Although papa will miss me, I am looking forward to meeting grandpa and my great grand parents, along with all the other family members. And of course, I can also look forward to all the pampering that only grandparents can provide!

Hana's first trip to Japan - 5 Months Old

Mar 28, 2009

Hana at four and a half months

Hey, what can I say, I like my toys!

Feb 24, 2009

OMG! I love my papa but someone please tell him to put a shirt on! Talk about itchy. All that hair itching my cute little cheeks. Anyway, I guess it's the price I pay for a loving papa and the opportunity to be held. Life is good (albeit itchy at times) and I am growing like mad from what mama and papa are saying. I am now weighing 13.5 lb. (6 kg) and almost as tall as my teddy bear. Mama and papa spend much of their time taking me out around town and showing me the world, taking me on hikes in the mountains, and playing with me and my toys. Mama is finally getting a little more sleep because I am getting more sleep. I can usually manage 6 hours until I awake with a severe hunger knock and mama has to feed me. Hey, it's better than every 2 or 3 hours, which was the case up until a week ago. By the way, I am now four months old! Time just zipps by when your having fun.

Until soon, Hana

Feb 1, 2009

Hana Making Sounds (Talking?) - 2 Months

Photos at 3 Months

Hello Everybody! I apologize for my lack of entries the past month but as you might expect, I have been very busy. Mama and Papa have finally taken me on some of my first outings into the real world (rather than staying at home all the time). I guess they were worried I might catch a cold or something but fortunately, fingers crossed, I have alluded any illnesses thus far. Our field trips have been really fun, with trips to the mall on cold days and some hiking in the mountains on warmer days. Today, as seen in these photos, I am wearing real small person cloths for the first time in my life! I like the convenience of onesies, however, they don't make much of a fashion statement if you know what I mean. Thanks to papas co-workers for the cloths I am wearing in these photos, I love them! I hope everyone is doing well and I am looking forward to meeting everyone as soon as mama and papa take me on my first airplane trips.