Nov 20, 2009

Hana's First Birthday

It's hard to believe that one year has past since I was born. I guess time flies when you are having fun. At the time that I wrote this, mid November of 2009, I can say about 14 words. Most of the words I only say when I am prompted, such as bye-bye. Others I can say on my own, such as doggie, or one-one (the Japanese word for doggie) when I see a dog. I can also say cheezu, raisin, mama, toy, teddy, baby, chu chu, and ET without being prompted. Walking is my newest activity. I can pretty much walk wherever I want, but slowly and a bit awkwardly. I have to be careful because papa seems to be nervous whenever I fall (he's such a baby). One of my other fun activities is making mama and papa laugh. I already have a sense of humor all my own and have a couple games that I enjoy such as hide and seek, and holding out my toys to papa, only to pull them away at the last second before he grabs them (psych!!!). I get such a laugh from that one! Thanks for reading, gotta go eat dinner. Hana

Nov 19, 2009

VIDEO - Hana Learning to Walk Nov-2009

Click on image below to begin playing.